Serenity Blessed Hands Massage

Relax your muscles with one of our massages. it will relieve stress, muscle fatigue, or chronic pain. Our highly trained therapists will melt away your tension and ease your tired muscles through a variety of techniques.


Add Ons include:

  • Massage Gun $20

  • Aroma Therapy $10

  • Hot stones $20

  • Enhance muscles $15

  • Mobile service $35UP


Swedish Massage

60 minutes. Benefits include loosening tight muscles and stretching connective tissues, relieving cramps and muscle spasms and decreasing muscle fatigue, loosening joints, improving range of motion, stimulating blood circulation, and firming up muscle and skin tone.


Stress & Tension Massage

60 minutes. Benefits include massage increases circulation, releasing muscle tension, activating sensory receptors, relieving the physical symptoms of stress, calm your mind, improve your mood, and triggers the body to counteract the effects of stress.


Hot Stone Massage

60 minutes. With the use of hot stones in specific areas, the benefits include relieves muscle tension, increases blood flow, reduces stress and anxiety, promotes sleep, treat symptoms of autoimmune diseases, boost your immune system, relieves pain, improves flexibility.


Stress & Tension Massage

90 minutes. Benefits include massage increases circulation, releasing muscle tension, activating sensory receptors, relieving the physical symptoms of stress, calm your mind, improve your mood, and triggers the body to counteract the effects of stress.